Wednesday, March 16, 2011


How To Enable Desktop Mail Notifications For GMail

Google added new a new feature for their GMail clients, the notifications for new mail and chat messages from now on can be seen right from your desktop and so you won’t have to check the Gmail Inbox to see if there is a new mail.
For the time being this feature will be available only for Chrome, which will see the browser transforming into a desktop notifying tool for new mail and chat messages in your GMail account. When a new mail reaches your Gmail Inbox, Chrome will automatically display a notification on your desktop and by clicking it you will be directed to Gmail Inbox and so you will be able to read the email.

Also, this new feature is supported on Chrome OS, as normally the Chrome OS can’t run any type of desktop notifier, while the web apps such as the one built in Chrome browser is supported and that’s why Chrome OS will be capable of displaying Gmail notifications from now on.
This new feature comes with several different settings, like the option to enable only the Chat notifications or enabling only the important emails to announce you. Google also is planning to release the Gmail desktop notification support for all the other internet browsers.
Here’s how you can enable the mail and chat notifications in Chrome:

  1. Log into your Gmail account.
  2. Click ‘Settings’.
  3. Now under the ‘General’ tab settings menu, you need to find the ‘Desktop Notifications’ menu field.
  4. Now you need to check ‘Chat Notifications On’ option and ‘New mail notifications on’ or the ‘Important notifications on’ option, if you wish to receive notifications only when a mail message arrives in your Priority Inbox.
  5. That’s it, now you will be notified by Chrome whenever you receive a new email message.
Try this new feature from Google and i’m sure that you won’t be disappointed, as you will save serious amounts of time because you won’t have to periodically check your email account to see if there is new mail in your Inbox.

Enable Desktop Notifications For GMail


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