Saturday, June 26, 2010

Psychic Octopus Makes England Prediction


Bad news for England fans - the Three Lions will lose against Germany on Sunday if an apparently psychic octopus is to be believed.

Paul has correctly predicted all the German wins and defeats in this World Cup competition so far from his tank in theOberhausen Sea Life Centre in Germany.
And in his latest test the eight-legged oracle chose our footballing enemies to win in Bloemfontein even though he was born in Weymouth, England.
Two plastic boxes, with the flag of each country on the front had been lowered into his tank. Each contained food inside.
The box that Paul opens first is judged to be the predicted winner of the game and this time he picked Germany.
He has a 100% success rate for Germany so far in this World Cup competition.
"I'm very glad he chose the right one," said Daniel Fey, a spokeman from Sea Life in Oberhausen.
"He really strictly marched onto the Germany box and put himself inside. He was 100% sure this time.
"Maybe he was ashamed of picking Germany and that is why he put the top of the box down when he was inside."
England fans will be hoping Paul is wrong or that he has lulled the Germans into a false sense of security ahead of Sunday's big match.


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