Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Top Seven Things Missing In The iPad 2

It was a downright historic week this week in terms of computers, folks–seeing the iPad 2 release was a real thrill, and yet another colossal shakeup to the entire computing landscape. And while I was satisfied, for the most part, with the specs on the iPad 2 as they were stated, I couldn’t help thinking, hey…this is Apple. These are the guys who really shake things up. And so, I set out to make a list, as I often do on Fridays around here, and came up with the top seven things I wished I could have seen on the iPad 2.

7. Visible laser pointer
Considering the sheer numbers of people who were probably going to use this mainly as a business tool, it’s kind of sad that it didn’t include the best friend of every presenter, a laser pointer. Even better, it could have come mounted on a servo arm, so that it could be controlled right from the iPad 2 itself. Imagine that for a second, sitting, and pointing, all at the same time. Oh, that’s a friend to business, all right, even if those snotty kids out there would have just wound up pointing it at aircraft.

6. Backtype keyboard
Sure, there will probably be, at some point, an add-on that does this, but considering that a tablet is geared to be held in both hands, why not include a back-type option that lets you punch keys whilst you clutch the tablet in both hands? It would give it a little extra utility, and people who might not buy because of that touchscreen keyboard might find what they’re after in a back-type option.

5. Built in hard case
Yes, yes, I know the iPad 2 is supposed to be slimmer, but slimmer means a reduced durability, and frankly, I’d be willing to live without a couple millimeters if I knew that my brand new tablet would survive slipping out of my hand and falling into a mud puddle. I’m all for super-slim, super-light hardware, but there’s got to be a bit more room in people’s philosophies for a robust piece of hardware. Sure, maybe it weighs a little more, but it keeps things safer, and less likely to need replacing down the road.

4. DVD / CD / Blu-ray drive
Why on earth can’t I watch a DVD on the iPad 2? It’s not like a DVD is that thick–surely Jobs et al could have spared a couple millimeters to get me a DVD drive. This thing is just made for watching video on; it would have been nice to get that little extra in there so I could watch movies that I didn’t stream or download. Of course, it makes some sense–the likely next format war will not be between different physical media, but rather between physical and nonphysical media. And it’s clear that Apple has already picked sides.
Admittedly, the network really isn’t sufficiently in place yet to make 4G connectivity really pay off in most places, but still, having an extra fast wireless connection is the kind of thing you always want to see, especially on the newest, latest hardware like the iPad 2. I can see why this didn’t make the cut this time, and chances are it’ll probably make it to the iPad 3, but still, I would have loved to see it on the iPad 2. And I would have loved to have been able to actually use it in my area, but still. This isn’t so much a wish list item for the iPad 2 as it is a wish list item in general. Let’s get on par with the rest of the planet, huh?

2. Memory card slot
I don’t know what it is about Apple and memory, but frankly, 64 gig just does not cut it! Yes, I know it’s flash memory and it’s a lot more durable and it lets those cool magnets get used in the cases because it doesn’t cause magnetic erasures, but again, this is a wish list, not necessarily a portrait of reality. Besides, think of how much more utility would result from the addition of a memory card slot! Save your documents, your photos, your videos, and then later transfer them to machines with actual storage! The possibilities are huge. Especially when, in some cases, you could effectively double the memory already included

1. Pico projector
Tell me it wouldn’t have been cool to be able to fire whatever’s on your iPad 2 screen onto a wall, possibly as big as fifty five inches or larger? Watch your video, play your games, make your video calls, and all on a screen so massive it requires a wall to hold it? Now that sounds like a great add-on to me, and considering how small a pico projector tends to be, including one in the iPad 2′s design sounds like a huge move to me.


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