Saturday, December 4, 2010

Introduction of Free Mobile Phone Applications for Children with Special Needs by Fujitsu

Fujitsu has developed a new application that provides educational and social support for children with special needs, including the ones with learning disabilities and autism, and their parents. The new application comes with TIMER function helping with understanding time through visual graphics, PICTURE CARD, in helping with communication as well as scheduling, as well as HANDWRITING to show the correct order in which to write characters in Japanese through animation.
Furthermore, the new software modules use special phone functions which have been designed with special attention to the nature of learning disabilities, such as a color filter and the mobiles phone’s vibration function. Currently the number of children requiring special assistance due to developmental or learning disabilities is about 600,000 in regular schools and nearly 100,000 more in special needs schools and classes. In collaboration with Kagawa University’s Faculty of Education, Fujitsu conducted field tests of its software applications from May to September 0f this year.


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