Thursday, January 20, 2011

'real green teabag' by hyung gyun jung + il seop so + han bi jung + jae young heo - iida awards 2010

'real green teabag' by hyung gyun jung, il seop so, han bi jung and jae young heo

'real green teabag' by hyung gyun jung, il seop so, han bi jung and jae young heo is one of the shortlisted entries
from more than 4000 participants in the 'iida awards 2010' competition, organized by designboom in collaboration
with incheon metropolitan city.

when green tea is brewed improperly, it releases a chemical that diffuses the positive effects of drinking it.
the design of the teabag aims to be an intuitive and natural indicator of how to correctly make a cup of tea. 

designers' own words:
'green tea's main incredient is catechins. it is safe and stable when in between 60 to 70 degrees celsius.
however, if it is heated to a higher temperature and brewed longer, another substance called tannin is released.
tannin is easily combined with catechins as well as other essential substances in our body such as calcium and iron.
as a result, tannin prevents our body from absorbing those substances. therefore, the temperature should be checked
properly to truly appreciate the taste of green tea. the best way to drink green tea is when the tea bag is removed after
letting it steep for 2 minutes at a temperature of 80 to 90 degrees celsius. 'real green teabag' is made from natural
green tea leaves so that it can decompose easily. the wrapping does not consist of more than one part so that it can be
opened as if it is a folded green tea leaf. in other words, no trees need to be cut down in order to make clean white
wrapping paper. the product appeals to our emotions by using leftover green tea leaves after brewing tea.'


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