Sunday, October 17, 2010

Breast cancer attacked the man is more dangerous?

Men in this country are reminded not to underestimate breast cancer risk as well as their attack was even more severe implications than women.

Breast Cancer Resource Center Coordinator Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM), Dr. Munirah Nik Nik Mahdi said, breast cancer that attacked the man is more dangerous because the cancer cells more aggressive cancer that attacks against women.

"Thought breast cancer only caused many men to attack women who are still looked down on these things while they are actually the same risk of illness.

"According to the study of the National Cancer Council, from 1999 to 2006 in this state, a total of six men have died of the disease, most breast cancers that strike men far worse impact due to cancer will spread to other organs so quickly lead to death," she told reporters after the launch of the blog site for the Breast Cancer Resource Center by the Chairman of the Board of USM, Professor Emeritus Datuk Dr. M. Zawawi Ismail, at Kota Bharu, Kelantan today.


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