Saturday, October 23, 2010

Kids Wear It Pink for Breast Cancer

Peterborough schoolchildren created a sea of pink to help the fight against breast cancer on Friday.
More than £1,000 has been raised as schools across the Peterborough area took part in Wear It Pink events yesterday (22 October).
The colourful event is part of the charity Breast Cancer Campaign’s month of raising funds and awareness about the condition, which has been running throughout October.
Youngsters at the St Guthlac School, in Postland Road, Crowland, raised more than £1,000 for Cancer Research UK by holding a range of events this month - culminating in the pink-clothed extravaganza.
The drive was set up by cancer survivor Vanessa Trafford whose son, James Rice (14), attends the school.
Vanessa spoke to the school about the idea of raising money for the cause and creating awareness of the condition.
To do so, she joined up with teaching assistant Ruth Ellis, who has also successfully battled breast cancer.
She said: “I’m absolutely gobsmacked. The events have been fantastic. James had only been at the school for a year when I was diagnosed.
“The support that he received from the staff and his friends was out of this world.”
Meanwhile, pupils at Woodston Primary School, in Celta Road, Peterborough, raised £300 for Breast Cancer Campaign with a dress down day and cake sale.
Headteacher Jacki Mitchell said they invited pupils to wear either red or pink to school yesterday and nearly every single pupil joined in.
She added: “We’ve supported this cause ever since one of our members of staff had breast cancer in 2006.
“There were only four children not wearing either pink or red in school. It’s wonderful to see them all dressed up.
“We’re delighted to have raised that amount, especially with being a small school.”
Pupils at Middleton Primary School, in Middleton, Bretton, Peterborough, also took part in the fun-filled day.
Site manager at the school Anthony Jarvis said the children donned an array of pink-coloured items.
He added: “It’s breast cancer awareness month, so we asked the kids to come in wearing something pink.
“It’s mainly pink clothing that they wore and nearly every single child has taken part.
“We’re looking to try and raise £100.
“It’s been brilliant to see all of the children joining in.”
The official day for Wear It Pink is October 29.
For more information visit Breast Cancer Campaign’s website at


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