Saturday, June 11, 2011

World’s First Biometric Authentication Technology, Combining Palm Vein and Fingerprint Data

Current authentication methods employing only one type of biometric data are sufficient for providing one-to-one matching, such as is the case for authentication systems used in financial institutions. However, for determining the identity of a given individual from a group of many people (one-to-many matching), accuracy will become an issue if the pool of people is as large as a million or ten million size, making it lengthy process or even impossible to clearly distinguish among potential matches by just using one type of biometric data. To overcome this issue, Fujitsu Laboratories has developed world’s first biometric authentication technology that integrates data on palm vein patterns with fingerprint data from three fingers. 
The new technology makes it possible to quickly identify a given individual out of data form a pool of one million people, processing the match within just 2 seconds. Furthermore, the new technology makes it possible to develop biometric authentication systems that don’t require ID cards, where it can be tailored to fit different size groups, ranging from small size room access to large scale social platform systems. In addition to this the new technology can be easily deployed through simple addition of palm vein authentication to already existing finger authentication systems. The new authentication technology is based on Fujitsu Laboratories’ parallel processing for authentication, making it possible to increase or decrease the number of servers used in authentication process depending on the size of the pool of potential matches, making it ideal for cloud-based environment.


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