Tuesday, March 8, 2011

33 things to give up for Lent | 300 words a day

Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday. It’s the first day of Lent. Lent is about willingly learning about sacrifice. Lent is about choosing to give up what rightfully belongs to us.

Here are some possibilities of things to give up for Lent.

  1. First place in line.
  2. The last piece of pie.
  3. Second thoughts about commitments.
  4. Just five minutes more (when they keep you from family).
  5. The last word.
  6. A fifth. Of something.
  7. A quarter-pounder.
  8. Forty cents a day. (It adds up to $12 a month and over a year and with 100 other people, gives a village in Africa water.)
  9. 1400 characters (or a day without tweeting).
  10. Three scowls.
  11. A second helping.
  12. The last place in line, which demonstrates just how humble we actually are.
  13. Dave’s Top Ten list (or whatever kept you from turning off the TV and going to bed last night.
  14. Six simultaneous projects.
  15. 10 minutes of frantic activity.
  16. The Final Four [pool] that consumes your attention for a month.
  17. One argument.
  18. A fourth pair of shoes.
  19. Eating alone.
  20. 12 disciples (Jesus did it. At the end. Course, they left him. So never mind).
  21. 8 minutes on the snooze.
  22. A second glance.
  23. The first 15 parking places closest to the door.
  24. A five minute well justified rant about the way that person completely mistreated you when they cut you off as you were driving…
  25. One minute of worry each hour.
  26. 30 minutes that could have been filled with, “Wait, what did I do with that 30 minutes?”
  27. 44 cents for a stamp on an envelope with a piece of paper that says, “I love you.”
  28. 60 minutes a week to converse with someone about God. (or read 300 words).
  29. Friday. (or any one day that you spending willingly on the well-being of someone else.)
  30. Credit. (for number 29)
  31. An extra coat.
  32. $10,000. (Maybe you could.)
  33. My will (let’s go with Your will instead).

Posted on Tuesday, March 8th, 2011 at 1:53 am in lent, questions   |  RSS feed |   Respond   |   Trackback URL


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