Wednesday, September 15, 2010

campous eco car

I for once admit that I’m a lazy person. Since I got my driver license I must admit that I am doing everything from the seat of my car. But there is one main place where I can’t use my car: the campus. For those like me, designer Certejan Cosmin has a new car concept.
With temperature going from up to upper he had the idea of a Campus Eco Car. It will have an electric engine that will make the vehicle sleep with ease between those crowded places in you university. From the looks of it, some solar energy could be obtained from the top of the car. This is not in the concept but it would be a great addition to the power of the machine (it won’t reach NASCAR speed but every little effort counts).
Campus Eco Car
Campus Eco Car
And the size of this electric car makes it very easy to park in those tiny places you always find difficult to maneuver.
Good idea but it won’t do you any harm to walk a little instead of driving all day.


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