We all seen Soldier of Fortune or if you remember there was a film called Starship Troopers. When I look at the design those two come into my mind.
It is a SUV but not an ordinary one. With 4X4 traction this automobile (or tank if we look at the armor) will climb any landscape regardless of its height. It was made by Iman Maghsoudi, an Iranian designer and then modeled by Mohammad R. Shojaie and Farzad Barkhordary.
The engine gives the stability of the vehicle. The gravity center would be somewhere in the middle of this futuristic concept.
The vehicle could be use in many jobs: as a military transporter (by the looks of it could sustain some weapons) or even as a transportation vehicle for the tourist that need to reach tough terrain.
Always look in the rear mirror for it, it’s my advice.
The engine gives the stability of the vehicle. The gravity center would be somewhere in the middle of this futuristic concept.
The vehicle could be use in many jobs: as a military transporter (by the looks of it could sustain some weapons) or even as a transportation vehicle for the tourist that need to reach tough terrain.
Always look in the rear mirror for it, it’s my advice.
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