Wednesday, January 19, 2011

SteriShoe sterilizes and gets rid of shoe odors

SteriShoe may be a product that some might think is taking things too far.  However, if you’ve ever worn workboots or know someone that does, I doubt you question that it’d be a great idea for some people.  Some of the reason being that you just wish you could get rid of the smell, the other part being that you really do wonder sometimes how much bacteria gets built up inside of a pair of shoes you never wash.

Sure, we wear socks and wash those, but as the manufacturers of SteriShoe point out, the average person’s foot sweats up to a ½ a pint per foot on a daily basis.  If you get to thinking too much about that, it is a bit gross.  Plus with this it’ll make sure to kill microorganisms that cause athlete’s foot, nail fungus, and of course shoe odor.  To use it, just flip it on for 45 minutes and the ultraviolet light will go to work.  These are sold in pairs and you have to choose your shoe size.  Since it costs $129.95 per pair, it seems highly unlikely someone would be able to purchase one of these for more than one person in the family.


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