This is not one of the eighty tablet PCs that took up space at CES. The whole reason I was attracted to it was because it looked to be a giant iPod Touch designed for a toddler. As the parent of a toddler, I know how attracted my youngest son is to the iPod Touch.
Granted, it is possible for my littlest one to mess up the information on the iPod Touch, not to mentione what harm he could do online. Fortuantely, this Android tablet is designed with no WiFi or 3G functions, which can distract junior with some serious learning while Mommy or Daddy uses the iPad or Galaxy Tab.
The ViNCi has some games that show the baby in realistic places of play, like a nursery, kitchen, farm, and zoo. They are purposely designed to introduce the baby to the world at large and “stiumulates curiosity, develops fundamental decision-making skills, and celebrates a sense of achievement”. There is even some very cute music videos for fun, so cute that only a toddler could appreciate them.
Normally, I put the price and availability date, but I don’t seem to have it. However, you can always check out the the ViNCi site if you like.