Tuesday, December 28, 2010

ASUS Eee Pad Shown Off In Photo Shoots

Taiwanese tech giant ASUS has let slip some pictures of their “Eee Pad”, their upcoming tablet line. They’ve previously committed to both Windows 7 and Android tablets, and one of those (probably the Win7) tablets will have a keyboard and looks like it will actually be a convertible tablet according to the leaked images.

if the keyboard spotted in the pictures is a slide-out keyboard on a proper tablet (think the original HTC Shift, if you’re familiar with that device) or if it is a convertible tablet, like we’ve seen running Windows for the past 10 years. To me, it looks like a full QWERTY keyboard. It’s hard to imagine a full QWERTY keyboard having much use on an Android tablet, since traditionally you aren’t doing any word processing
Previous leaks and comments from ASUS made to the Taiwan press say that they’ll have a Windows tablet running on Intel’s Atom technology, and an Android tablet running on NVIDIA‘s Tegra 2 platform. SlashGear says they’ll both be 10-inch tablets, though I wouldn’t expect to see 7-inch and 12-inch tablets as well from ASUS


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