Sunday, December 26, 2010

Honeycomb Running On Motorola’s Tablet Evolution

we just saw an ExoPC running Android 2.2. Yes you heard that right, Microsoft’s worst fear, and it has been accomplished by one of ExoPC’s forum member. The details in the forum are very sparse, but it seems that ExoPC member MrWilson has added a Froyo boot option to his 11.6-inch, Windows 7 ExoPC and has managed to get both touch and WiFi connection working within the Google OS.
The only thing we have to do now is to wait and hope that the forum user will post more detailed instructions on how he managed to do this is such a short time, but in the mean time why don’t you sit back and watch the video. Maybe from now on, clients will be more inclined to buy the $699 tablet from Microsoft.


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