Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Samsung Bows Ultra-Definition 3D Television

I’ve always been fond of Samsung televisions–they’re big, often pack great quality picture and sound, and though I didn’t like those touch-panel controls at first I’m starting to get used to them and even appreciate them a bit more as they add to the aesthetic. But even I’m blown away by what I spotted today: Samsung’s new 70 inch “ultra definition” television.
Everyone’s talking about the Samsung Continuum and such, but Samsung’s got its fingers in a lot of other pies, and televisions are certainly one of them. What you’re looking at in the pic above is a 70 inch television, with a resolution of–I hope you’re sitting down because you’re going to want to brace yourself for this one–a whopping 3840 x 2160 pixels. Now, that does a number on most every television commercially available, and even a lot of projection 1080p units would have a rough time keeping up with this monster.
It also represents the first ever television made with oxide semiconductor technology, which in turn allows it to put out about four times the resolution of televisions made with silicon-based TFT technology.
In fact, Samsung itself even goes so far as to claim the television can support a refresh rate of 480 Hz with 3D glasses–and yes, I’m sorry to say it, but you will need the 3D glasses on this one, but it’s a small price to pay for that kind of resolution–and that by itself is a minor miracle.


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