Saturday, October 9, 2010

Bungie Almost Confirms MMO Project For Next Year

The creative director Joe Staten announced at the Game Developers and Gamasutra that Bungie’s next project could feature a world that was always there for you. The question is Bungie will feature a shooter MMO? The director hinted around about Bungie’s next project and teased what it could be an answer to a question posed.
Another important person, Kotaku contributing columnist and Gamasutra news editor Leigh Alexander was in the audience this morning when Joseph Staten said that ‘Writing the Whirlwind: 10 Years on the Frontlines Of HALO Storytelling and Beyond’, at GDC Online in Austin, Texas. Staten also answered questions, one of which reminded of the new project Bungie.
Unfortunately, his only response was: “Wouldn’t it be great if we could make a world that was always there for you? Wow. That would be great.” We all hope that something concrete will be announced real soon.



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